Category Archive: Urban Journey

four reasons why interactive art is good

Interactive arts -used here to describe the state of the arts rather than a particular form of art- can be defined differently based on perceptions and perspectives; however, regardless of their diverse analog,… Continue reading

what is it that you do again?

I get this question every single time I tell a stranger I am an urban planner. I find it fascinating that more than half the wonderful, educated, and intelligent strangers I have spoken with, have… Continue reading

may I see your ID?

For the most part, individuals’ identities are unique, which is what makes human interactions interesting and worthwhile. We tend to be gravitated more towards those who have a strong personality and identity. This… Continue reading

cities of happiness.

Elizabeth Farrelly, a Sydney-based columnist, architecture critic and author, in her article points out that, “But the point is, cities are not principally for, and should never be measured principally in, pleasure“. Though this may seem… Continue reading

the journey we travel.

The word “urban” can carry both positive and negative definitions depending on one’s ideas and beliefs. In good terms, urban means economic opportunities, culture improvements, historical preservation, community development, innovation of space, and… Continue reading

public transportation in the city of angels.

The public transportation in the City of LA is not nearly as horrifying as I had heard previously. Both the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)… Continue reading